Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 2 - A Gardener's Exam

Simone and I took a lunch walk today. It was hot and sunny, so we took refuge under an oak tree, facing the fields, with the scenic view of the lake at a distance. On the fields, lo! Red and white striped poles and people carrying tripods on rectangular patches of grass:

At first they look like people playing games to me, but Simone explained that this is the gardener's exam. In ZHAW (the institution I am with), there are two kinds of gardener: the one that specializes in horticultural plant propagation, and the one that specializes in making home gardens (constructing stone walls, leveling the terrain, creating drainage slopes, etc.). Obviously, this is of the latter.

It seems that the test involves using staked strings to make accurately measured lines, and using that tripod thingy to measure the ground's slopes.

Good to know that somewhere in the world, being a gardener is a well respected profession, bukan sembarang jadi tukang kebon!


Unknown said...

so u doing gardening now?

sephanie said...

Hehehehe, begitulah!