Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 54 - Storytelling Portraiture

Our assignment today for photo class is to take 60 portrait of a person. I worked with Mike, but I failed to tease him out, and you can tell from the photographs: he looks cute, but you don't get a sense of his personality. Who is Mike?

In the end, I still didn't know him.
Oh well! So I ended up stalking the teacher instead...

Which was a lot of fun.
Can you tell? Open the image large... feel the difference!

She's out there teaching, with her face and her hand. She has a sense of purpose of being in there, and she does not mind the prying lens. Now tell me, is it my clouded opinion about the persons, or is it really the portraits?

(Liana hates sepia, because she thinks its forced. So I'll switch. Earlier above is the CYMK grayscale, noticably warmer than the RGB grayscale which you are seeing now). Look, look. This is what she thinks of it...

She curls up her lips and looked to the sky.
She grins and looked sideways,
And laughed.

She thinks it has a potential,
But she's not sure,
Naaah. She withdraws her thoughts.

Bwahahaah. I'm a stalker!

Enough of this joke. I'm tired...

Calm down, Sephiee... take a deep breath.

Now, should I submit this as homework?



Zeráfiel said...

100 more days! countdown... Dee-lish indeed. Mike looks like he is posing as some model whereas the teacher pics looks like a those of a real life person.

sephanie said...

Wait up! I am not finished yet!!! Give me two more hours... ahahaha. I post as I construct.. you'll see it changing ;-)