Saturday, February 2, 2008

Day 30 - Palestrina, Villa d'Este and Villa Hadrian

An old, cranky, but funny bedevil of a man led our tour today. He called us wuss for pulling out umbrellas when it rains, threatened execution for sitting down after a tired walk, and gleefully announced that latecomers be stoned publicly. He made all fifty of us ran up the (at least!) 20 meters (60 feet/6 floors) worth of stairs and slopes to the Temple of Fortune at Palestrina. When we got up, to the temple we it was foggy, and all we could see is white.

This is the guy. Jan Gadeyne lectures with his eyes closed. He imagines the reconstruction of the ruins in his mind, and illustrates it with his animated hands. Only when he closes his eyes for his 10-20 second stretches, would dare snap a picture of him. He is an intimidating teacher, my favorite kind actually. Still, I don't want him to remember my name for fear of public shaming.

The sky later clears out to reveal an amazing, breathtaking view of the town of Tivoli. Now... what should I say about Francy? He's hungry.

Joy the architect, envisioning a new Villa to rival d'Este.

Villa d'Este is the Disneyland of the renaissance. It was built in 1550, and even now it is still full of its original giochi d' aqua (water games). Splashes of water amusement beauties is played out in this filthy rich villa... giant water fountains that smells of moss, hundred fountain wall, fanning out water fountains, drinkable Pandora's fountain and so on. The list is exhaustive. We had to run through this place in an hour though! And so we only got to skim it. I really should take my time to come back there and describe the villa in better detail.

Maritime theatre at the Hadrian's Villa is thought to be a retreat room for the emperor Hadrian himself. This circular room consist of a circular island is built within the room... think of it as the best spa boutique you could find in the 2nd century.

Me and Alejandra, and Francy outside of Villa d'Este

Libby and Alejandra, my roomates! (To your right is the gorgeous ass of a marble Hadrian's)

It has been a breathtaking day... I'm honestly too lazy to edit and post the rest of the scenic pictures. Maybe another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salam dari Ithaca! Looks like you're having a lot of fun! Sorry I never got to see you before you left, but hope to see you in the fall!

Ngomong2, alamatmu di Itali apa yah?