Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 16 -A Daytour of Rome

For once, I'm glad that Cornell dragged us out on this mandatory field trip. It was a beautiful day, and the sun is shining full on, subduing the cold winter air and making this an ideal photographing day.

San Giovanni Laterano is the most important Cathedral of Rome. More than the St. Peter's of the Vatican, This church is the original seat of papacy, and was so for over a millenia, The doors of the church is about 5 meters high, and is decorated with equally gargantuan marble statues of the twelve apostles, like the one below:

Dinner at the L'Archetto (The Archer), a lovely pasta specialty restaurant near the Trevi fountain.

1 comment:

V said...

You are a goddess with the camera! Really nice pictures. Respect.