Saturday, October 10, 2009


Can't go away from Munich without talking about THE Oktoberfest...

Endless lines of marching bands, girls on beerwagons for two hours long... as if they emptied out all the Bavarian villages aorund Munich!

This is my favorite display, a herd of heidi goats!

on and on...

Up movie mascots dressed up in Oktoberfest theme.

But the festival really is a two-faced one. On the good face is the traditional parade (above) and on the 'bad' face is the drinking. Almost needless to tell, Oktoberfest is the biggest drinking party in the world. And sight like this is kinda common in the fest area, around the station and even near my apartment! (Drunkard sleeping in the corner of the street on bright daylight)

In the meantime, for two weeks, Thereßenwiese is turned into a giant theme park with scary scary games...

"I love you" cookies thing...

No pretty beer pictures here though. I almost didn't drink the last week I'm in Munich because I've been getting sick practically every week for the past month. But there's the last beer I had in Munich! It's my fav beer, a Radler (beer with lemonade), with some tender pork cutlet~

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