Monday, August 24, 2009

Malmö in 24h

On Monday, my boss told me that I don’t need to come to the all day office meeting on Tuesday. In fact, if I do come, I’ll be put to work somewhere else anyway. Great. That doesn’t sound like a promising day. Might as well take a Swedish style holiday then.

I’ve wanted to go to Malmo since I came here, but the occasion and the price never seemed right. Malmo is 4 hours and 30 minutes away, so a day trip is kinda rushing it, but because of this last minute holiday (and fears of futureregrets) I decided to go now. After all, once I depart from Sweden, there is no telling when I will return again!

I called Stina, who is by now in Malmo, and luckily she is there and I can stay over at her place! Yay!

Weekday price are lower than weekends, and last minute tickets are even cheaper. At about 14:50, I booked an SJ train ticket, packed my stuff, and ran home to get change (and of course, toothbrush). I brought some sushi for dinner on the rail, and I departed at 17:40,cheduled to return on 17:38 on the next day to pick up Liana from the flygbussarna at 18:00.

Unfortunately, in all the rush, I brought my camera but forgot about my camera battery. So, I have no camera to take picture of Malmo right now, but I got my laptop, and here’s the mac’s photo booth shot of me in the train:

Now this is written on Monday, from the train from Stockholm to Malmo. There was pay-internet at the train, but even without purchasing any connection time, you can see the exact position of your train! Wahoow! It’s like an airplane!

Update: I borrowed Stina's camera, so when I get the pictures from her in the coming weeks, I can post them later!

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