Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 61-69 - The Northern Trip

After almost two weeks of laziness, passport hunting, and dilly-dallying on Photoshop, this post is finally up!

Bella figura of Torino. Tall, lanky and expensively furnished woman.
A lil' too manly for some people's taste though.

Look closely, these are no ordinary roll cakes...
They're towels!!!

I thought that this combination of gray, lime, deep blue and a dash of burnish red is inspiring...

Cheers from Vicenza!

This colorful shop in Venice sells natural pigments for painting. These powdery tints are derived from natural stones. The shopkeeper looks like a messy artist, but he really is a sweet guy. He gave me discounts after I took his pictures and chatted to him.

Fancy a romance with a cute army officer?


This is how esteemed Phd. doctors of the University of Padova graduate...

And who says pigeons are sloppy, messy dirty little creatures who can't walk in line?

1 comment:

3s said...

aa lucu bgt teacake/towels nya xp u took pretty photos stef :) !!