Monday, November 30, 2009


I'm back in Melbourne, perched atop the 45th floor of a certain building, in an office that has views to the bay, to the sea that leads to the Antarctica. Hmm. PRiddY priDDy~

Living back in Melbourne again feels so familiar... sometimes feel as if I haven't even left, except the numbers of friends I have here had really dwindled! Oh well, it's been years. The same streets: Flinders, Swanston, Bourke, the trams, the trains. Ahh... and the familiar "The next train is..." voice when I pressed the green button at the stations. But Oh! Zone three has disappeared!

And did you noticed,

No pictures!

Alas! Since Melbourne is kinda like home to me, I can't be bothered to take pictures of it... it's like, I don't have any picture of my own home to. None. Got pictures of Spain, Swiss, and Sweden, but home... Twenty two years of going home to the same house, and never bothering to take picture of it! (I think I'll take a pic of it just before it gets renovated. soon).

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