Monday, June 16, 2008

Valencia | A Shopper's Guide

Corrida de Toros. Despite little bullfighting tradition in Valencia, this matador ring features prominently in the city. Unless you go there in August, there's little to see there and it's becomes a tourists' market during other times.

Fans, fans, fans! The souvenir of the town. Prices range from €8 to a dashing €50. Explore smaller streets further from the center and you might get one of these decent Spanish fan at half the price.

Ceramic tile-making is also another core Valentian industry. Looks colorfully spanish, at €6 apiece.

Paella making pans! from your tiny one-person sized, to a 30-person pan 60-80cm diameter.

And this is what the paella kinda looks like. The vendor informed me that this is fried rice though! Yummy food with wholesome grilled garlics in it.

This is the grand Mercado Central. Sells all sorts of vegetables, fruits, cheese, meat, fish, and canned foods. Closes on Sunday (I presume) and at 3pm everyday. Looks like Spore's Lau Pa Sat, ne?


And snails!!! Live snails, ladies and gentlemen!!! The first appearance of snails on this snailer's blog!

And of course, there's always Carrefour, in case you don't make it before the market's closing time. Wherever you are in the world, it looks just like any Carrefour you have near you.

Except that Filipinos is the local Oreo. These comes in over 12 edible varieties and can be found in most cafés too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how many inedible ones, then? :P